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HOME > SPEAKERS > Livia Fioretti

Trend Analyst @ TrendWatching


Livia is an accomplished workshop facilitator, speaker and trend analyst. Based in TrendWatching’s London office she produces bespoke reports for European clients and helps them apply trends within their business. She also looks after the South and Central American content published within TrendWatching’s Premium platform, which is read by more than 800 clients. Livia also heads up educational partnerships in Europe and is a guest lecturer on the Global TrendWatching minor program at the Hogeschool in Amsterdam.Before joining TrendWatching, she had the opportunity to work at start-ups, big advertising agencies and innovation consultancies in São Paulo, Los Angeles and Barcelona, where she did her Master in Research for Design and Innovation at ELISAVA.

An Introduction to Trend-Driven Innovation

  • Keynote
  • Wed 19 | 18:45h
  • English
  • EN/ES

“What will my customers want next?” This is the question everyone in business is trying to answer; but in a world where everything is happening at the same time, it’s hard to ride the wave.

At TrendWatching we take a counterintuitive approach. We don’t ask consumers anything. Instead, we look at the innovations consumers are lavishing attention on today and ask about the expectations they are setting.

In this keynote we’ll introduce you to Trend-Driven Innovation, our internal trend framework methodology, to help you get ahead of your customers’ accelerating expectations and create better innovations.

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