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HOME > SPEAKERS > Carlos Pacheco

Head of Strategy @ Starcom


Carlos is responsible for the Strategy of a big diversity and large number of advertisers. His professional career has been characterized by contributing to the growth of brands through media. He has a comprehensive vision of Media & Communication, from creativity to the connection points between brands and people.

His current role is to apply Starcom’s Philosophy (The Human Experience Company) in the communication campaigns of the agency advertisers. Carlos strongly believes in generating emotional connection with people. Media and experiences play a fundamental role when it comes to achieving it.

He was born in Madrid, where he has developed his professional career in the most important Communications & Media agencies. He worked both in digital and strategic roles, for first class advertisers and, in very varied categories. Therefore, it allows him to have a multidisciplinary vision of the world of communication.


  • Keynote
  • Wed 19 | 16:30h
  • Spanish
  • ES/EN

From Machine Learning to Human Learning. From Artificial Intelligence to Human Intelligence. From great targets to concrete people. In the midst of the technological revolution, people, each and every person, are as relevant as ever. Deep research and experience design capable of bringing up emotions enable brands to stand out among ad noise.

Being able to understand what each person feels and wants and using technology that is able to deliver personalized messages to each and every one of them unlocks the ability to design effective campaigns. Starcom will talk about how emotions can mobilize and sell and how the media are more than just that when they plan knowing in detail what motivates the people who consume them.

Gold Sponsor

Institutional Support

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors


Media Partner Digital

Media Partner
