At Experience fighters we gather in order to fight for experience creations that keep on surprising the world. Nothing more. Debate is always welcome, we are a curious and passionate community, but we are also attentive and gracious. Feel free to do and say what you’d like, but always upholding respect for the rest of your peers.
If you want us to summarize our code of conduct, we will have to reference the golden rule of ethics: do as you would be done by. Do you like to be insulted, be yelled at, humiliated, interrupted or discriminated against? If not, don’t do it to others either. Be aware that not everyone has to share your tastes or ideas, this is why we will not allow foul language, violent content or pornographic, sexually derogatory jokes or comments and also those that have to do with nationality or religion.
In a gathering like Experience Fighters, we are sure you will have a lot to say, don’t hold back. But please follow the rules:
Be aware that there are a lot more participants than speakers. If you want to speak to any of them do not overwhelm them. And most importantly, do not interrupt their keynote speech unless they are actively seeking participation from the public.
The networking areas are there in order to connect and there is plenty of time to speak, share and establish relationships but don’t approach people abruptly or force anybody to talk who doesn’t feel like it. It goes without saying that sexist conducts and harassment are strictly prohibited.
If you have any sort of complaint, incident or suggestion on the event, remember that the event staff will be present at all times. Don’t hesitate to come to us with any of your concerns but remember our previous paragraphs. And remember, you can always contact us through our social media channels.
If you agree to this code of conduct, welcome to Experience Fighters 2019! If not, you are also welcome but in case you adopt any of the previously mentioned prohibited behaviour we will be obligated to act. This could mean immediate expulsion from the event and even alerting authorities.
We know that this is one of the must reads on our site but we have to ensure that everybody attending our event comes with an open, collaborative and respectful attitude. We are all great professionals and we deserve to be treated as such.
See you at #EXF19!