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Experience Week

Discover events prior to the main event packed with activities and networking

  • 18:00-21:00H
    5th of June


    It’s Your Life, Let’s Design It [Barcelona]

    Carrer de Girona, 22 08010 Barcelona | FREE

    As designers, we often use design thinking, service design, UX methods, to create the next great product, but how often do we use these same methodologies to the design of our daily lives?

    In this workshop, UX Researcher and Service Designer, Ethan Parry will help participants design the lives they want and find the answer to the question: «What’s next?»

    Ethan Parry is a service designer and UX experience researcher at Hanzo. Parry has worked with clients such as Innocells (Banco Sabadell), Adobe, Google, Dell Boomi, among others. He also leads workshops around the world with themes such as UX Research, Service Design, Design Thinking and innovation methodologies. Parry has graduated in PR and has a Masters in Interaction Design. 

  • 18:30-21:00H
    5th of June


    Extended Reality and Service Design: Towards new UX horizons

    Utopicus Calle del Príncipe de Vergara 112, 28002 Madrid | 6€

    Finally, we have two papers, Edgar Martín-Blas, CEO & Creative Director in Virtual Voyagers, who will talk about Extended Reality, and Andrés Botero, Global Design Lead in BBVA, who will talk about Service Design.

  • 18:30-20:30H
    6th of June



    powered by
    Paseo de la Habana 101, 28010 MADRID | 8,79€

    Design for the future 

    We are now always talking about research, data, users, but how would we design with the limitations of not having any of this, what would happen if you had to solve a problem that didn’t exist today, but that existed in 3 years’ time?

    – Intro
    – Presentation of the project (problem and final goal)
    – Workshop
    – Presentation of results

    Spain Design Team at Eventbrite:

    Pilar García – Senior Product Designer
    Macarena Padilla – Senior Product Designer
    Jose Bello – Senior Product Designer
    Emilio García – Product Design Manager

    This workshop will be given by the Design team at Eventbrite Spain, that belongs to the Global Design team at Eventbrite. Multidisciplinary profiles, they are bringing the design philosophy to the company in Spain. 

  • 18:30-21:30H
    6th of June


    How to organize high performance digital production equipment for customers in agile environments [Barcelona]

    Carrer de Girona 22, 08010 Barcelona | FREE

    Design of digital products for third parties: Organization of high performance digital production equipment for customers in agile environments. In this session, in addition to discussing the methodology, we will discuss how to integrate the role of UX Designer and UX Researcher in the process. A very interesting topic that deals in these moments in which we try to find the magic wand to do it.

    Speaker: Carlos Iglesias, CEO of Runroom.

  • 08:00-20:00H
    7th of June


    APPLAUSE 2019

    Hotel W Barcelona Plaça de la Rosa dels Vents, 1 08039 Barcelona |

    Applause returns on Friday 7th of June at the W Barcelona hotel. Applause is one-day conference organized by PickASO, the first app marketing agency in Spain; The Tool, the ASO tool and AppsFlyer, the world’s leading attribution tracker. 

    40% discount for the conference: APPLAUSE40/ExpFight



  • 16:00-19:00H
    7th of June


    Customer Journey Magic [Barcelona]

    Carrer de Girona 22, 08010 Barcelona | FREE

    Customer Journey, why is it valuable and what is the methodology to approach it? Speakers: César Úbeda and Laura Polls César Úbeda is Chief Experience Officer at Runroom, a digital business consultancy based in Barcelona and Bilbao, of which he is a founding partner. As head of the Experience Design team, he looks after the quality of his projects from the point of view of Customer Experience, UX and UI pursuing alignment with business objectives.

  • 18:30-21:00H
    12th of June


    Who wants to have a silly website? Smart and proactive sites arrive.

    Calle Eloy Gonzalo 27 28010 MADRID | Free

    In 2019 the companies already know how to design 100% transactional sites, with exquisite usability (or almost), we know how to be SEO-friendly, we convert more than ever and as if it were more or less all of us have already ventured into the world of A / B testing

    But, we keep thinking and creating sites that are the same for each and every one of our users. And are they all the same? Probably not. And despite this, we insist on designing a unique supersite that responds to all in the same way.

    It’s time to demand more and start designing sites or applications that address the context of the user, remember and propose and incorporate some commercial intelligence. The proactive sites arrived. Relevant sites by effective and accurate, at the same time that they do not wait for the user and go to him in a timely and intelligent way. Of them, we will talk and practice in an exciting session where we will structure 10 axes or levers that allow an UX to elevate it to the power and get to design and create commercially intelligent sites.


    David Boronat, CEO

    With 20 years’ experience, he currently heads Multiplica and is also boosting other companies in the group. He has written several books, collaborates with the Harvard Deusto magazine, teaches in different universities and is a regular speaker on Persuability and UX across Europe, Latin America and USA. 

    Ignasi Blanco, Senior Consultant & PM 

    14  years dedicated to the digital world from various points of view. Helping to conceptualize and develop projects oriented to creating value and optimizing results, with the user as the central axis.  

  • 19:00-21:00H
    13th of June


    Conceptualising & Scope. Design System V.0.1 [SNGULAR]

    powered by
    Calle Labastida 1, Madrid 28034 Madrid | GRATIS

    How to identify the needs and nature of our DSL. 
    A dynamic where following an exploration process we will arrive at a roadmap, with meaning, beginning of a DSL. Picking parts, products & people. Creation of (at least) two diagrams on the relation of our DSL with the brand ecosystem / company products. 

    – Practical case / example
    – Definition, use and primitives propagation 
    – Workflow

    – Intro
    – Use case presentation (Problem and objectives)
    – Workshop
    – Presentation of results

    Alfonso Morcuende – Design Director at Sngular
    Luis J. Montoro – Senior Product Designer at Sngular
    Alberto Roldán – Senior Product Designer at Sngular
    Rubén Moreno – Senior Product Designer at Sngular

  • 09:00-12:00H
    13th of June


    MASTERCLASS: Digital Experience Roadmap [ICEMD]

    Google for Startups Campus 2 Calle Moreno Nieto 28005 Madrid | 10€

    MASTERCLASS: Digital Experience Roadmap

    Ponente: Pablo Fiestas Villanua, VP CX & Customer Success at IZO & Profesor for the CX Superior Program at ICEMD

    Description: Digital Experience Roadmap

    The agendas of the companies are focused on Digital Transformation and on the management of the Customer Experience. This masterclass goes through the steps to take to assess the current situation of the organization and through CX tools starts the steps to make a roadmap of transformation a reality.

    Agenda (2h):

    -The search for relevance for our clients and the digitalization
    -The Paradox of the Customer Experience: Automate vs. Humanize
    -Herramientas fundamentales: ¿Dónde estamos? ¿Cuáles son los siguientes pasos?
    -Fundamental Tools: Where are we? What are the next steps?

  • 09:30-14:00H
    14th of June



    Google for Startups Campus 2 Calle Moreno Nieto 28005 Madrid | 10,99€

    We invite you to the first edition of the Experience Day! Special activity organized by Experience Fighters 2019.

    09:30 RECEPTION
    11:30 COFFEE BREAK
    12:00 ILIOS
    13:30 CLOSE


    Experiencia de usuario en proyectos internacionales

    How to tackle design and team leadership processes internationally. Experiences from Torresburriel Estudio, Spanish member at UX Alliance.

    Daniel Torres Burriel, CEO at Torresburriel Estudio, where he is founding partner (2011) and Spanish partner at UX Alliance. Owner and teacher at UX Learn, usability and UX training centre (2009 – present). With more than 20 years’ experience in web channels, he is a usual speaker at industry events and congresses. He has participated in over 100 conferences on usability, accessibility, UX and information architecture. 



    La desempresa

    What would happen if we created a team just with the people we like to work with, those we value, those who we admire. And once we have that super team we’d find out that we can do without the rest: the boss, the office, admin staff, rent, legal structure, contracts… We look like a design agency, but we are somewhat more flexible, lighter, prettier. We are an agreement designed from trust, respect, freedom, admiration and commitment. 

    Carlos Navalón, Digital ‘craftsman’ at Ilios,  found and old Macbook in the History of Art Department at the University of Navarre and created his first digital artwork, this was 20 years ago! He studied a Masters in Digital Art History in London and when he finished, he started at Prisacom in Spain and collaborated in the first digital versions of El País, As, 5Días, los40… Santillana printing offered him to direct the online Santillana Digital and Multimedia Department, where he spent 5 years, until he joined Fjord as independent professional for a Nokia project in Finland, below 30º! He founded ilios network and invests in several startups. y es inversor en varias startups. He created a small UX and Design studio 3 years ago, which specializes in Digital Art and Products. Desde hace 3 años creó un pequeño estudio de UX y Diseño especializado en Arte y Producto digital.

    Jeremías Mayor

    Digital Product Designer and Consultant

    He has been working in the digital environment for more than 12 years. He started his career as a visual designer but soon he complemented my career as a UX designer and interaction. Since then he combined both professional skills in the focus of my projects.
    In the last 7 years, as a freelance digital consultant, he helped companies to create and design their digital products from the perspective of the user experience.
    My experience allows me to approach digital projects with an integral perspective combining conceptualization, research, interaction, UX and visual design.
    He enjoys the challenge of creating the best digital solutions for each project.


    Sopra Steria

    Strategic design project: development from January to May and the learnings during the process. 

    Julia Ibañez, Service Designer and expert in design thinking and creative team facilitator at Sopra Steria. She began her career designing products in very diverse sectors; from office lighting to airport equipment, going through electronics, tools and urban furniture. She has become interested in client-user relations. She has specialized in user centered innovation methodologies as well as service design. 

    Carmen Ibañez, Service Designer at Sopra Steria where she develops service design and strategic projects. She studied Design and gathered a wide vision on traditional disciplines; graphic, audiovisual, industrial, fashion, ephemeral architecture and specialized in innovation and service design methodologies at H2i, where she discovered anthropology and business. From this moment, she established herself with the objective of developing innovation projects within collaborative agile structures. 



    Conversational design: how do we tackle only designing with words
    We will go through how experiences based on dialogue have arrived to our lives as designers and how we are facing this new way to do our job. 
    Consuelo Puchades, directora de Idean Spain, has spent over 20 years on putting people at the centre to find business solutions for her clients. She has worked for all types of clients and sectors, and now heads Idean, an agency dedicated to strategic design and user experience, where she still advocates to put people first. 


    Garaje de Ideas

    New Frontiers in UX

    Practical vision on how UX challenges have evolved and where lie the new frontiers that configure the UX discipline for the future. 

    Alberto Barrio, Chief Design Officer at Garaje de Ideas, is in charge of making design move the company. Alberto makes sure that the team and all the projects at Garaje follow a design strategy based on the expected quality levels. He understands design as a cross-disciplinary and differentiating element that impacts every aspect of the business. 

    Sergio Rosillo, CEO at Garaje de Ideas, designs the company strategy and delivers to the team. He leads projects from a strategic standpoint, applying design as the engine for innovation and change. In parallel, Sergio shares all his knowledge and extensive experience in the design world.  He has taught at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja; as well as conducting several mentorships at events such Global Service Design Jam or Google Startup Weekend among others. 

  • 19:00-21:30H
    17th of June


    Unlocking the value of “desirable” user experiences [DIC]

    powered by
    Calle Cristóbal Bordiú 13, 28003, Madrid | 10€

    Today, smart businesses competing in the digital world know that user experience can be a key competitive advantage. Excellent user experience design, especially for mobile products, can lead to increased sales and customer retention. Although user experience is seen as important, many companies are unable to go beyond simply useful and usable products to the truly desirable experiences customers want.

    In this talk, Chris Grant, Global User Experience Director at King (NYSE: KING), one of the world’s most successful gaming companies and makers of Candy Crush will explore the four key stages of user experience and show how to take a product to the next level.

  • 15:00-19:00H
    18th of June



    powered by
    C/ Mártires de Alcalá 4, 1°, 28015 Madrid 28015 Madrid | 10€

    How can we increase the impact of design in teams and organizations through leadership and learning? 

    In this workshop conducted by Designit and Cooper Professional Education, we will dive deep into some of the key factors in work groups such as motivation, trust and feedback, within a wider context that is leadership from a design standpoint. We will practice tools that will help you increase the impact of design in teams and organizations. 

    This session is meant for individuals who lead teams or managers who wish to inspire and for those curious minds in the constant search for sources of knowledge. 

    Speakers: Natalia Castán y Silvia Lleras



  • 09:00-17:00H
    21st of June


    Game-based UX & Cognitive Science Masterclass [CELIA HODENT]

    TBC Madrid | 287€

    What lessons from fun and engaging video games such as Fortnite can be applied to craft great user experience for any product? This in-depth masterclass proposes to explore the ingredients and science behind the development of successful games, and offers takeaways applicable to game development as well as the development of any product, service, or system. It also offers a complete overview of what efficient “gamification” entails (which is more complex than merely adding “badges” to an experience).

    Making fun and engaging video games is hard, and with thousands of games being released every year, the competition is fierce. Although there is no known recipe for crafting successful games, some clear ingredients do exist, which game developers can use to make their own successful recipe. User experience (UX) and cognitive science disciplines combined provide developers with those ingredients –across all types of games, platforms used, or audiences targeted– to guide them along the development process. Experiencing a game happens in the player’s mind. This is why understanding the human brain (especially its limitations) while it is perceiving and interacting with a game is paramount to accomplish faster and more efficiently your developers’ goals.

    This Masterclass, lead by the former Director of UX on Fortnite, proposes to delve into how the human brain works in terms of perception, attention, and memory and offers a concrete UX framework and guidelines that developers can apply during the different development stages. The ultimate goal of this Masterclass is to provide tools to significantly improve the experience of the game you are developing, as perceived by your target audience. This Masterclass will offer numerous examples, from video games and beyond, to illustrate each point.


    This Masterclass has about 6-7 hours of content total and has 2 main parts. The content can be adjusted to skip some elements while diving into others more, depending on attendees’ requests.

    Part 1 – (2.5 to 3 hours) Introduction to cognitive science and psychology to understand how the brain works and, more specifically, how it learns. We will look into the capabilities and limitations of human perception, attention, memory, motivation, and emotion, using multiple examples taken from video games and beyond.

    – lunch break –

    Part 2 – (3 to 4 hours) Focuses more specifically on the User Experience (UX) framework you can apply when developing your game, and how it relates to the brain capabilities and limitations. We will breakdown UX into ‘usability’ and ‘engage-ability’ and detail the important principles within these 2 components that can make, in the end, a great difference for your player and how s/he will experience your game (for the better!). It will cover how to successfully onboard players (i.e. first time user experience over, roughly, the first minutes to an hour of play) as well as how to keep players engaged over time.

    Part 3 (if time permits – 15-30 min) briefly talks about user research and analytics, and how to measure what when, depending on what stage of development a project is at. This part also touches on UX strategy and how to develop it both at a project and studio level.


    Anyone can benefit from knowing better about the brain and about user experience. This Masterclass is however tailored more specifically for game developers, and product developers interested in learning how to apply game UX principles and strategy to their project or company, or interested in “gamification” (or playful learning).

  • 18:30-21:00H
    24th of June


    Unblocking empathy to be creative

    HABITANT Calle Cristóbal Bordiú 13, 28003 Madrid |
    Coming Soon
    María Trinidad Gutiérrez – Service Designer 
    Graduated in Marketing and Research. She has a Masters in Neuroscience Applied to Consumer Behaviour from the Complutense University of Madrid.  She is passionate about challenges that lead to strategic business change that has an effect on people.  
    Sara Suárez – Design Researcher
    As a psychologist graduated from the University of Barcelona, she has worked on research projects related to the evaluation of conduct and usability with eye-tracker.  She is drawn towards different ways of thinking and understanding people’s needs to build human solutions that have a systematic impact.
    Marieta Becerro – Product Designer
    Industrial Engineering in Product Design at ELISAVA. Above all, she believes in design as a tool for change in orrder to build a system that is fairer and she sees her occupation as a vehicle for the creation of synergies between factors that have no apparent direct connection.  

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