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Here we answer the common questions that arise during any event. If you would like to ask us something directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Will the conferences be translated?

    Yes. We rely on a simultaneous translation service from English-Spanish as well as Spanish-English for all attendees that may need it. On our site, next to each talk, we will indicate which talks will be translated using an icon for attendees to have time to pick up the translation device  as needed. 

  • What documents do I need to show upon entering the event?

    All you need to show is a print-out of your ticket either on paper or in PDF format on your mobile or tablet.


  • How can I get to the venue?

    The Circo Price theater is Ronda de Atocha, 35. If you come by public transport, please inform us that the Embajadores metro, corresponding to line 3, Lavapiés metro, corresponding to lines 3 and the corresponding Atocha metro line 1, are the closest to the place. In addition there are many bus lines, bicycle and car parking. You can see details in the “Space” section of our website.

  • Where should I sit?

    The seats are arranged in numerical order, and the ushers will indicate which zones you will be sitting in. Once the downstairs section has been filled, the upstairs will start to fill.

  • Can I change the name assigned on my EXF19 ticket in order for someone else to go instead?

    Each ticket is personalized with each attendee’s name, but we do understand since tickets were purchased months in advance, that there may have been changes. Therefore, it’s no problem if you need to change the name on the ticket as the date of the event approaches. 

  • If I can't attend the event, will I get a full refund for the price of the ticket?

    No. Once you have purchased your ticket, the money will not be refunded. Tickets are transferrable but neither refundable nor cancellable.

  • Will attendance certificates be provided?

    Yes. Attendance certificates will be provided two weeks after the Experience Fighters 2019 event and should be requested by e-mail at info@experiencefighters.com .