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HOME > SPEAKERS > Francisco García



Fran García is Head of UX at HABITANT, he started as a developer but soon became a designer. He is passionate about the relationship between people and technology and how the latter is changing everything, but most important of all how we face this designing simple experiences that are adaptable and emotional. He worked in Accenture and then moved to The Cocktail, where he developed the mobility offering and led various projects such as Real Madrid, El Corte Inglés, Mutua Madrileña, Carrefour Pass… During the last year in this chapter, he was in charge of the new design department at Kairos, where he worked with the Agile team to lead the new Design Thinking methodology applied to projects. Currently, he works with Marc Roca to tackle each project in a creative way through design thinking, so that the whole company deals with projects in a collaborative fashion. 

Bye Bye Workers, Hello Designers

  • Keynote
  • Wed 19 | 11:30h
  • Spanish
  • ES/EN

Progress and technology go hand in hand… How many jobs will be destroyed or changed in the coming years? And how many new ones will be created? How can the new ways of collaborative working overcome this challenge and help all types of individuals within traditional organizations. What have we learned, what works and where have we gone wrong?

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